
Lehrstuhl und Sektion Klinische Kognitionswissenschaften am Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen



Title of the project:                                                                                        

Cognitive recovery after stroke (COGSTROKE


Abstract of the project:

Stroke is a major cause of chronic motor disability in humans. The human brain has a remarkable capacity to reorganize in response to such injury, yet the complex mechanisms underlying recovery are still not well understood and evidence based standards for the rehabilitation of motor or cognitive-motor functions after stroke are not well established. The aim of COGSTROKE was to test, optimize and translate laboratory protocols into effective treatment protocols for the recovery from motor deficits after stroke. More specifically, we investigated whether, how effectively and through which neural substrates motor sequence learning (MSL) protocols mobilize the ability for motor skill acquisition and motor system plasticity in older individuals and apraxic patients. In addition, potential optimization by manipulating factors such as time-of-day, affordance of daytime sleep, avoidance of interference, execution of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and observation training (AOT) was examined.


Project Runtime:

01/04/2012 – 31/03/2016

(Funding: 01/04/2012 – 31/03/2015)